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QR-Code question

Mar 25, 2021
As we are planning to reopen next month after lockdown, we want to remove the physical menu card in the restaurant. I want to make an app that my guests can use to scan a QR code and see the menu card. Is this possible with zappter? Thank you in advance!
1 Antworten
Mar 26, 2021
I just finished setting up the same thing for my restaurant. I used the Ingenious QR-Codes plugin, you can just upload a PDF file of the menu card and that's it. I also used the Places plugin, I don't know if you are aware of that one but it's very interesting especially for restaurants, you should check that as well.
Mar 26, 2021
Thank you Josh, This helped me a lot. I also checked the Places plugin i will definitely use it
Mar 26, 2021
Hi Josh,
have you also used Plugin for your restaurant to book an Table?
I am strugling with it, but unfortunatley i can't do it.
Best Regards
Mar 26, 2021
Hello Tariq, Can you describe your problem with more information? So i could understand better what exactly your issue is

Best Regards

Mar 26, 2021
Hi Josh,
Thank you for you quick reply.
for our Restaurant , I want to fix Table Resrveation system with App. may be because of Testversion, all funstion not working properly. I contact to Support Team, they will fix it.
If you dnt mind can you share me your App Name if already published, so i can have look on it.
Best Regards
Mar 29, 2021
Hello Tariq, sure. Our app is nearly done and I'll be happy to share the link as soon as we finish the design part and the publishing process. If you're in contact with the support, I believe they will know help you better than I.
Mar 29, 2021
Hi @Adalynn, can you share more info about this Places plugin? Thx
Mar 29, 2021
@Tariq your video of the logo intro rocks!
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