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Change app design

Feb 22, 2021
Can I change the design I selected during the registration? I seen some nice in the app designs section of marketplace and I want to change.
1 Antworten
Feb 22, 2021
If you already selected the design from the marketplace, (done by clicking the blue button "Free"), you can go to the content manager and click the Design section. There in the left bar, you should see a button called Purchased Designs, from there you need just to activate it.
Feb 22, 2021
Everything was ok till (Purchased Designs). I can't find this button :(
Feb 22, 2021
If you can't find that button is possible that you have the layers expanded. Try to click "Layers & Explorer" and you should see the general menu of design.
Feb 22, 2021
That was it. Thank you so much.
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