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Donations ?

Apr 23, 2021
Hi, I am the coach for the LoL team, and I am thinking of building an app where I would link the best plays of my team from Youtube to the app and create some kind of support packages for my team so that our followers can support us financially. Does anyone have any experience with a similar request?
1 Antworten
Apr 26, 2021
Hello, that is one very interesting idea! My experience with a similar situation was that I installed Tip & Gratuity plugin to leave a tip while checking out. It's very nice since you can set it to be % of the total price from the cart OR predefined amount. In your case, maybe I would try to create one Article with the title "Donations" and set a price as 0$ so people can add donations/tips however much they want to contribute. Tell me if this helps or you have any confusion. You can check out this link to learn more about Article: https://www.zappter.com/marketplace/en-us/plugins/e-commerce-feb1.html
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