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How I publish my App

Dec 28, 2021
HI Guys,
it´s my again. I am asking my question again in English because I have just seen that must of you can only speak english:
How do I publish my App? I need the answer asap. Please help me!
1 Answers
Jan 13, 2022
To publish your App on App Store and Google Play you need to fill out the information in the iOS & Android App section you find in the sidebar on the left side.

After you click on the section you will be asked to select the primary language from the list.
Then you will enter all the information like App Name, App Icon, Description, etc...
When you fill out all the necessary information, a submit button will appear on top, you can click and submit your app for the stores.

You can follow all the steps in the documentation you find on this link:
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