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Zappter CRM - My Customers

Maintain customer profiles, segment them, improve communication, remarket your offers, scale up your analytical data and reporting, and retain customers to earn loyalty.

Manage customers

 Manage customer profile data, leverage its insights to improve marketing, remarketing and service quality. 
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 Segmentation and targeting

 Add multiple segments to a profile to group customers from different perspectives. Create custom tags to increase your marketing success rate. 
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360° View

 Get a 360° view of your customer and track purchase & relationship history to define your strategies and make better decisions. 

 Fully integrated 

 Connect with other plugins like Mailchimp to synchronize your users base and optimize your campaigns. 
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Your Customers. Your App.

Get the Zappter CRM now and start using emails and push notifications in your marketing campaigns, and improve relationships with your customers while boosting your business. 

Provided by Zappter Completely free
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37955 Downloads Developed by Zappter
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