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Build & Scale

In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume Forum Form Generator

Business Modules

Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

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Waiting time widget PWA Instruction Plugin Gallery Album Extension In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume QR-Code Rating System Verified Profile Apple Classic


DeepL Mailchimp Whitelabel E-Mail Payrexx


Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Shoping cart comment feature Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Rating System

This plugin enables you to add ratings and comments on your app platform. Customize the rating behaviour and let your users rate services, orders or anything else.

 Get rated and reviewed 

 More than ever, customers rely on ratings to make their purchase decisions. Allowing customers to rate your products and services increases their confidence in your business, influences purchase decisions and helps you improve wherever it matters most. 
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 Rating results and automation 

 Define your preferred rating scale, user message, and customize the UI. Automated systems will help you to get ratings after sale. Adjust the settings that controls the rating prompt once the order is completed. 

Override on item-level

 For each item you have the possibility to enable or disable the ratings. If you are interested in getting ratings but not display them in your app to the users, we got you covered with tailored settings. 
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5-Stars Rating System

Get the rating plugin now and start allowing your valuable customers to rate your services and items easily with a customizable rating system from Zappter.
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Loyalty Points
Loyalty Points
Let your customers collect loyalty points and spend them on your items.
Push-Notifications increase customer retention, engagement & conversions by sending real-time personalized messages at the most appropriate moments.
Provided by Zappter Completely free
Uninstall anytime

5 Ratings
27288 Downloads Developed by Zappter
Detailed tutorial available
Adaptable to your needs

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