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In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume Forum Form Generator

Business Modules

Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

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Waiting time widget PWA Instruction Plugin Gallery Album Extension In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume QR-Code Rating System Verified Profile Apple Classic


DeepL Mailchimp Whitelabel E-Mail Payrexx


Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Shoping cart comment feature Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Event-System / Drop-In

Event tickets to sell? Are you offering courses? Add this plugin to sell them through your app. A full plugin to handle and selling tickets, classes, courses or anything similar.

Built-in Event Tool

Save time by easily and efficiently managing attendees and events with just a few clicks.
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Ticket- & Participant-Manager

Convert your app into an event organizer in seconds, and drive event ticket sales to the max with an easy to use management tool. 
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Maximum adaptability

Flexible to any business needs. Create yoga classes, courses, meetups, festivals, tours, clubs, events, partys etc. 

Simplicity for your customers

It’s super easy for attendees to register for events using their mobile than any other platforms. Having the right tech stack in place means you’re prepared to be ahead. 
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Increase conversion

You need a quick event tool to get your ticketing up and ready to sell in minutes?
Let people connect with an event as soon as they hear about it via push-notifications or other marketing tools.

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Online Payment

 Use online payments for the efficient processing of paid events. Allow your customers to choose their preferred payment method between Stripe, Payrexx, Twint, PayPal and many more. 

Ready to participate?

Get the event plugin now and start selling tickets in your app.
Enjoy the easy handling and managing of tickets and events with Zappter.
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Real-time Chat
Real-time Chat
Chat in any language! No more language barriers with your potential customers. Start using now the whole new sales and marketing channel.
9.90 USD / Monthly
Push-Notifications increase customer retention, engagement & conversions by sending real-time personalized messages at the most appropriate moments.
Provided by Zappter Cancelable at any time
No credit card required
14-Days Free Trial

9.90 USD / Monthly
Try for free
7 Ratings
27797 Downloads Developed by Zappter
Detailed tutorial available
Adaptable to your needs

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