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Build & Scale

In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume Forum Form Generator

Business Modules

Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

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Waiting time widget PWA Instruction Plugin Gallery Album Extension In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume QR-Code Rating System Verified Profile Apple Classic


DeepL Mailchimp Whitelabel E-Mail Payrexx


Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Shoping cart comment feature Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Real-time Chat

Chat in any language! No more language barriers with your potential customers. Start using now the whole new sales and marketing channel.

Offer a superb customer experience

Connect with customers in real-time and allow them to interact with your business anytime with personalized, rich-media experience. 
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Cross platform collaborative

Make your employees more productive by organizing the virtual workspace. Assign workstations to your employees and allow them to see updates of chat and collaborate in real-time.
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Real-time automated translation

Over 113 languages are supported, and the translation between your employee and user device language is real-time and unnoticeable.

Customize to match your brand

 Customize button caption, colors, size & icon to go with your design and UI. 
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Time for a chat?

Get the chat plugin now and start interacting with your clients with a real-time chat-system manageable by entire teams and departments.
Provided by Zappter Cancelable at any time
No credit card required
14-Days Free Trial

9.90 USD / Monthly
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8 Ratings
26448 Downloads Developed by Zappter
Detailed tutorial available
Adaptable to your needs

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