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RSS Feed

Load RSS Feeds to your app and customize it the way you want!

Bring outside content into you app

Syndicating (posting) informative content from your own website or display useful information from other websites is a surefire way to increase your user engagement.
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Bring in useful feeds

Whether you want to sync your app with your website's blogposts or show your users with hot news from leading news sites, RSS Feeds feature is perfect.
Customize, limit number of content you want to have on your app

Make it goes with your design

Customize, limit number of content you want to have on your app, so your users feel consistence and better user experience.
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Brining in WordPress articles and images?

No worries. We know the popularity of WordPress sites, so we have a dedicated page to help you set up your RSS feeds from WP.
Provided by Zappter Completely free
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