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In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume Forum Form Generator

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Event-System / Drop-In Reservation & Booking System Real-time Chat E-Commerce / Shop

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Waiting time widget PWA Instruction Plugin Gallery Album Extension In-App Purchases & Subscriptions Buy & Consume QR-Code Rating System Verified Profile Apple Classic


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Tags & Filters Facebook OAuth Rating System Multilingual App Zappter CRM - My Customers Request System Push-Notifications


Shoping cart comment feature Voucher System Contact Form Loyalty Points

Splash Screens / Slides

Say "Hello" to your app users! Use Intro Slides to guide your app users through your app with beautiful intros. A must have for all apps!

Impress your customers

Want to impress your Customers with lively eye-catching images right on your app? Slider is a great plugin that allows uploading, customizing and displaying a slideshow in your app.
image.png 1.28 MB

Highly customizable

Mobile touch slider with amazing native behavior. Select the images, sort and edit in just some clicks and create your carousel.
image.png 2.71 MB
image.png 982.23 KB

Full control

Adjust from settings how many images are displayed at once, show or hide next & previous buttons or set if the slider should rotate images in loop.

Slider to guide

Create a slider to guide your users through your app and welcome them.
image.png 694.68 KB
image.png 1.79 MB

Ready to slide?

Get the slider plugin now and start creating impressive fully customizable slides and intro splashscreens!
Customize your classic sidebar to something special & smarter; add text contents, media, link, predefined menu actions, or show a popup.
Provided by Zappter Completely free
Uninstall anytime

52666 Downloads Developed by Zappter
Detailed tutorial available
Adaptable to your needs

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